when you're flat on your back, the only direction you can look is up - garfield

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mount Rushmore

This is the famous Mount Rushmore at South Dakota, USA. It is the product of thousands and perhaps million of years of weather erosion from the wind and the rain. It is the result of totally natural processes. No human being had a hand in it. It just came about by chance.

Or not...

I am hoping that those reading this, will say "Hey! Wait a minute. That is impossible! I have not seen the sculptor who did that but someone must have done it. It could not have come about by random chance of nature. You got to be kidding me!"

And you are quite right. Even though we have not seen the sculptor who did this, we know that there must have been intelligent planning and design put into this. Give it a million years, and we know that Mount Everest will never carve out a sculpture simply by nature itself.

If a stone sculpture could not have come about by itself, how much more impossible for a moving, feeling, seeing, breathing, thinking, living human being to have come about by itself.

Being brought up my whole life studying science, I was kidded by science into believing evolution. Great theory. Sounds logical. But falls flat when you consider the infinite impossibilities that come with the theory.


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