when you're flat on your back, the only direction you can look is up - garfield

Sunday, April 09, 2006

What are the options? - Part 1

There are people who are struggling over the existence of God. Let's lay out the options.

If there is no God, then
1) you have to believe that every matter/material that we see around us resulted from an explosion of a very concentrated focus of energy smaller than the size of the diameter of a pin head.
2) you have to believe that that energy was there from the beginning.
3) you have to believe that as a result of such an explosion, which as far as we know all explosions lead to chaos, resulted instead in law and order with precise mathematical, physcial, chemistry and every other known laws and equations.
4) you have to believe that all the living things that you see around started as a result of transformation from non-living matter at the beginning.
5) you have to believe that our earliest ancestor was just a single cell, so small we cannot see with the naked eye.

If there is a God, then
1) you have to believe that God was there at the beginning. Not the energy. Either way, you have to believe one or the other was there at the beginning.
2) you have to believe that the world did not come about by chaotic explosion but controlled decisive action by God.
3) you have to believe that the mathematical and the such laws and equations exist logically because God is the lawgiver.
4) you have to believe that God created all things with intelligence (see the design of the cell, of the eye, of the heart, the dragonfly from my previous post) at the beginning.
5) you have to believe that a dog will always remain a dog and a cat will always be cat. A dog cannot never become a horse even after a zillion years. (Creationist believes in micro-evolution but not in macro-evolution as taught by evolutionist but that is another deep topic altogether)

I know no one has seen God, but have you seen an explosion leading to order? Have you seen non-living things transform to living things? Have you seen any living thing change to another type of creature?

If you choose the option that God does not exist, you will be left with a thousand loose ends that can never be answered convincingly. But if you choose the option that God exists, then I think you will find that all the pieces begin to fit together.


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