when you're flat on your back, the only direction you can look is up - garfield

Friday, April 07, 2006


Every day we read in the newspapers about explosions. Whether it is an accident in a factory, or an act of a suicide bomber, we know what an explosion does - it leads to chaos! It leads to disorderliness; it leads to a big mess!

Now scientists would like us to believe that the whole universe came about from the BIG BANG. The theory goes something like this. That in the beginning (eternally existing) was an immense concentration of energy all concentrated in the size lesser than the diameter of a pin head. It got unstable one day and EXPLODED! And out of that, we have all the planets, stars, galaxies that we see today. And that is how one particular planet called EARTH got its water and its sand and all the other elements in the earth like Gold, Silver, Sodium, Potassium, etc.

Now, that's what I would call unbelieveable!


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