when you're flat on your back, the only direction you can look is up - garfield

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Recently, in a location near where I stay, there was a serious outbreak of food poisoning. A few hundereds of children were taken ill after apparently consuming some food from the school canteen.

Which is a good case in point about faith. You see, everything we do is based on faith. Without faith, you could not eat or drink unless you tested it in a laboratory to make sure that it is safe to be consumed. Without faith, you would not even be able to sleep at night for you will be worried that the building might collapse on you. Without faith, you would not even sit on your chair for how do you know it can support your weight?

Many people view my faith in God as a strange thing, especially since I am a scientist.

There are many reasons for my faith but one of the easiest one to give is this:

Everything that has design demands a designer.

I don't think anyone would argue that the computer could not have come about without a designer. Or anything else on your table right now for that matter. So is my believe in God. I look at the wonderful designs in nature and our very own body and come to the very natural conclusion - there must be a master designer - God.

Which makes me puzzled - what sort of faith is it that makes one believe that despite all the wonderful designs in nature in the world, there need not be a Designer?

Could it be blind faith?


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