Was watching a dog scratching itself; and my goodness, it seemed like it was going to scratch off all its fur and flesh together in the process. To reach some areas that it could not get its paw to, it contorted itself and used its teeth instead to relieve the itch. Must have been quite an itch!
Which reminded me of a witty comment that I heard once. It is called the LAW OF BIOMECHANICS. It goes something like this:
The degree of itch is directly proportional to the difficulty of reach.
I suspect the dog does not think of such statements, even though the dog line has been into scratching since day one. People can choose to believe that they are descended from animals but as for me, I choose to believe that we are different from the animals. We are wonderfully made. We are special in the sight of the One who created us. And this knowledge makes life so much more worth-while living, doesn't it?
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