when you're flat on your back, the only direction you can look is up - garfield

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Dragonfly

The place that I am staying at, has many dragonflies. I am always spellbound by their beauty and grace. You can see all the wonderful types of dragonflies at the following website http://dragonflywebsite.com/gallery/

Some fun facts about the dragonfly:
1) It can fly forwards at speeds of 60miles/hr.
2) It can fly backwards, sideways, up and down at the spur of the moment.
3) It has been known to travel across continents
4) It has 30,000 lenses in each of the 2 hemisphere eyes that it has
5) It is born as a larva (sort of a worm), undergoes metamorphosis during which it first becomes liquid before its cells magically realign into a beautiful dragonfly.
6) Their legs are for catching insects in mid-flight and for holding on to females as they copulate in mid-air (kama sutra surely does not have this position in its books!)

Scientists considers the dragonfly the ultimate flying machine. One wonders if its design is so wonderful, should there not be a wonderful designer?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful write-up on dragonfly. I'm a dragonfly lover since young.. they are beautiful!

7:54 AM


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