How you ever wondered what is the purpose of fingerprints?
Why, yes, it is that whorl of patterns on the pulp of your fingers that apparently is different from everyone else's in the world - past, present or the future. Because no 2 patterns are similar, police uses them as one of their tools to identify a person.
Which begs still the question - why are they there in the first place? Is there any purpose for us to have 'evolved' fingerprints? I think not. It is one of those unanswerable questions that many do not bother to think about.
But for those who do think about such things; my answer is that I believe Someone wants us to know that we are individually special in His sight. You are not massed produced. You are wonderfully created to have a wonderful life with your Creator.
This answer, I know may seem uncomfortably simple to some. But aren't some of the most profound truths found in simplicity...
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