when you're flat on your back, the only direction you can look is up - garfield

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Hey, Baby!

The presence of a baby in a mother's womb is also an enigma for scientists because it is a foreign body!

Our body has this special protection mechanism where it will reject something that does not belong to itself. E.g. a patient who has received a kidney from another person, will have to take lots and lots of medicine to prevent the patient's body from rejecting the kidney. If the patient does not take his medicine, not only will the kidney be rejected, the patient may die.

Now, the baby is a foreign body because the genes of the baby are not the same as that of the mother. Scientists are still puzzled as to why it does not reject the baby.

Which brings us back to the sex issue again. Even if there was that first pair of a male and female and if the female conceived within herself, her body would have rejected the baby and she might have died in the process. End of story and back to square one again.

No Designer? Seems like you need a lot of faith to believe that.


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