when you're flat on your back, the only direction you can look is up - garfield

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Life on Boats on the Mekong

Went to the floating market at Cai Be and Cai Rang which are small towns along the river. It was a very enjoyable part of the trips. Took the most photos here but once again, can only show a sampling of them.

We had to wake up early to visit these places because the market starts becoming alive way before 5am.

At these floating market, there were hundreds and hundreds of boats large and small selling fruits and vegetables. The larger boats had a pole which they used to hang a sample of their wares high up in the air as a form of advertisement. Hey, these people know a thing or two about marketing too!

What impressed me most was that there were literally thousands and thousands who lived in boats on the river. The front part of their boats are for storage of the goods while the back end is one compartment which they use as their living, dining, kitchen and bedroom all rolled into one.

I particularly like the 4th photo shot which shows an old lady with presumably her grand-daughter or even possibly her great grand-daughter since they often marry and have children very early in life. It reminds me of the many generations that have lived on this river and the many generations that will continue to do so.

Sometimes, we complain that there is nothing much to do. How about spending all your life on a boat...

Watch out for more articles on the Mekong coming up...


Blogger Take Thought; Life's Short. Fear Not; Trust God. said...

I would like to see that!

8:26 PM


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