when you're flat on your back, the only direction you can look is up - garfield

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Practice Makes Perfect

Yesterday, I had a game of table tennis. I had probably played table tennis not more than 5-10 times in my whole lifetime. Someone was at an empty table tennis table who did not have a partner to play and I obliged. Initially, I started off badly. The balls were just going all over the place except on the table. But I persisted and gradually I realised that I started getting better. I began to have faster reflexes and the ball was dipping nicely onto the table after a while. I even made some spectacular smashes!While the game began quite agonizingly embarrassing for me, I ended enjoying playing table tennis with my new found friend.

The lesson I took back from the game, was that we should not give up easily. If we make a mistake, learn from it, persist at whatever you are doing and very soon, without your knowing, you will start to be good at it.


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