when you're flat on your back, the only direction you can look is up - garfield

Thursday, April 20, 2006


There are many people who are constantly worried. Some worry themselves to the point of depression.

I used to worry quite a bit myself. I used to have sweaty palms and was constantly anxious about things. But today, I do not have sweaty palms and do not let many things worry me. Perhaps I can share from personal experience 4 reasons why we need not worry.

Don't worry because 90% of what you worry, won't happen.

Don't worry because even if happens, 90% of it would be as bad as what you imagined it to be.

Don't worry because if it happens to be as bad as what you imagined it to be, you cannot do anything about it.

If we only had these 3 reasons, these should be enough for us to stop worrying. But there is one more -

Don't worry because there is a God who knows what you are going through and loves you.

Many people including Christians do not know the full impact of this statement. If GOD, the ALMIGHTY GOD WHO CREATED HEAVEN AND EARTH, loves you and you are willing to receive that love, WHAT IN THE WORLD DO YOU HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT?


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