when you're flat on your back, the only direction you can look is up - garfield

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Changing gods

Was away for 1 week because I went for a much needed holiday break. Noticed some interesting gods on my trips. There is a common thought that there is one god but that this god take on different forms to various people. Sounds reasonable enough except that when you really think about it, it does not quite make sense. You see, the god who says that you should not eat meat cannot be the same god that says you can eat anything. The god who says that you cannot eat pork only cannot be the same god that says you can eat pork but not beef or mutton.

On my trip, I found a god that would except garlic as an offering. This sort of offering is considered repungnant to some religious groups because it is pungent. Another god had his hand made into the posture of the Japanese Wealth Cat or Makani Neko. The god who says not to worship money could not be the same as the people who worship a 500,000 Baht note "sanctified" by a row of monks above it.

My take is - either worship one or none at all. Otherwise, you may be incurring his wrath by worshipping a god figure that is not him! Just as you imagine you would incur the wrath of your father if you called all men around your father :-)


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